Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Things I Like About Ubuntu

Recently I was asked this question why Ubuntu over Windows??

I think I did not justify my answer . I think I could have answered better .
Just some of the things that are coming to my mind , I can write it down.. I will update it further for sure as my understanding of the system grows..

1) Its free (god , we all like free things..)

My friend recently bought a laptop for himself HP Intel Core I5(ahhh.. chuck the specs), etc.. The vendor told him the machine is worth 31k but you would need to add another 4k to install Windows 7..
My friend said thank you , I am a ubuntu lover , I will save my 4k for clubbing or better things in life..

2) I like to obey the law..(Well mostly same as above , but I can continue the story)

Another friend of mine took the same machine in 31k but now he installed pirated windows .. Pirated office.. Pirated softwares.. And he left automatic updates ON.. [Big Mistake]
Now his OS keeps bugging (begging) him to update to the original version..

3) sudo apt-get install <anything>

Well this is the most loved command of any Ubuntu person.. It can install anything.. It just recently installed my Reliance 3G datacard..

sudo apt-get install  libqglviewer-qt3-2

Then just ./install.sh great..

4) Greater UI experience than windows .. Its a personal thing but well.. I believe 11.04 is killer , guess what they have 11.10

5) I can delete .IntelliJIdea10/ folder from my home location and it renews again for 30 days.. I just broke my point 2..

6) Aliases... Love creating them in my .bashrc
alias grapport8090='grails clean;grails -Dserver.port=8090 run-app'

7) get all the youtube content I ever see..

just cd to your home folder , then 

cd .cache/chromium/Default/Cache , you can find all the videos you are currently watching present with some odd name there.. Copy them to wherever you like and enjoy !!!

I will update it once I know more..
Till then keep blogging..


  1. Nice blog.

    At least "sudo apt-get install libqglviewer-qt3-2". Will give it a try soon.
