Monday, 30 January 2012

Git Remote Add

We can track multiple repositories from a single location in your local machine. Consider the steps

1) cd <my-fav-dir>
2) git init
3) git clone
 Sets up to track the default branch of the repository just cloned with the alias origin, usually tracking master
4) Make sure by git remote show <repo_name>

Now, we want to track one more repo.
5) git remote add another_repo

Now, create a local branch to track any branch in anotherRepo

6) git checkout -b anotherRepo_master another_repo/master

Now , you have made a new local branch named anotherRepo_master tracking anotherRepo's master branch and also switched to that branch.

To make sure everything is good do,

git remote -v


7) git add
8) git commit -a

Now, you want to push in the right repository, the syntax is

git push <repo-to-push> <local-branch-alias>:<remote-branch-to-push>

git push another_repo anotherRepo_master:master

Hope it helps.
Keep Blogging

Sunday, 29 January 2012


Well , this is quick and dirty. Probably, I will add more information to it. But suppose consider the following:

Your manager says that he/she wants the digest of the commit you have just made before pushing the code to the repository. He/She will review it and tell more about it. You can probably zip your changed files and send him/her to review.

Git comes with a really nice alternate, the git patch files. To come up with it, just

1) git add
2) git commit -a
3) git format-patch -1

-1 says that you want to create a patch file(containing all the git diffs) for the last commit.

-2 creates a patch file for 2 most recent commits and so on.

Now, he/she can just do

git apply <patch file path which you probably emailed>

That would create an exact same commit at his end and then she can see all the code that you have just written for a new critical feature/bug.
Please post any questions or updates.

Hope it helps.
Keep blogging